Sunday 8 October 2023
We achieved 44 flights and 5 hours on an Indian summer day at Halton, with all students getting a couple of good flight each.
Graham Quinn and Ellie Willocks delivered UCL’s ASK 21 (EDW) to the London Gliding Club at Dunstable for its annual inspection. The Discus 2cT (R6) was de-rigged and made ready for its journey to Aboyne! Overall a very nice day and many thanks to the team for their efforts today.
Welcome also to a new solo UCL member - Klemens Kressin - from Germany. He is a member of a gliding club near Frankfurt and completed his training on an ASK 13 with 67 flights in 10 hours. 48 flights were with an instructor and the rest solo on an ASK 13 and an ASK 8. At Halton, he completed 4 flights with an instructor, including a low level practice winch launch failure and an another one at 400 feet, he was sent solo.
Our Aboyne expedition got off to a wet start and the only wave was on top of puddles and waterfalls. The expedition members went on some walks instead and are hoping for a better day tomorrow.