OUR Operations
We are a volunteer-run organisation and so we all rely on each other to operate on each flying day, including to set up the airfield, launch and retrieve gliders, and pack-up at the end of the day. The ethos is to assist others in getting airborne and they, in turn, will do the same for you!
A typical day at the club
The duty crew aims to arrive at the hangar by 8:30 am on a flying day and start to get kit ready, including performing daily inspections on the gliders.
Club members will assist in setting up the airfield, including setting up the launch point, the winch and pushing and/or towing gliders out to the launch point. Make sure you get your name on the flying list - the duty pilot will be in charge of organising the day’s flying.
The instructor in charge of the day will then perform a flying safety briefing at around 9:30 am, following which flying can commence.
Throughout the day, everyone’s support will be needed to keep the day moving, including helping to launch and retrieve gliders.
Depending on the time of year, flying can finish anywhere between 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, or earlier if the weather turns unfavourably. It then takes about 45 minutes to pack everything up.
If members do not want to or cannot stay for the whole day, we encourage you to either arrive at the beginning of the day to help set up or stay until the end of the day to help pack up.
Once everything has been packed away the bar is opened and everyone has the chance to reflect on the day over a drink in the clubhouse.
Our Flying Days
The club is generally active both days every weekend, weather permitting. If the weather appears favourable Monday to Friday for either thermal or ridge soaring, we will also try to organise flying days midweek. Please note:
Flying days are subject to member availability and, particularly, weather. We may cancel flying at short notice if the weather takes a turn for the worse very quickly.
It is always a good idea to check with an experienced club member before coming down, if you are unsure on the likelihood of flying. We usually communicate this via our WhatsApp group, which you can be added to once you become a full member.