Memberships and fees

We are part of the Royal Air Force Gliding and Soaring Association. The primary aim of the Association is to bring gliding and soaring to all members of the RAF. This means that, primarily, membership is open to service personnel of all ranks, civil servants, Ministry of Defence contractors, veterans, and to their dependants, the RAF volunteer reserve, university air squadrons, the Combined Cadet Force and cadets, and, secondarily, to civilian members who can offer help or expertise to the club.

Please note that due to current demand, we are operating a waiting list for new members looking to join us to learn to fly.

Yearly Membership

Our membership year runs from the 1 April each year. New members starting part way through the year will pay the full, annual rate, which will then be pro-rated when membership is renewed for the following year. These prices are accurate as of 1 April 2025. Please note that we reserve the right to amend these prices at short notice. There are three routes to membership:

Full membershiP


Full membership is open to:

All serving personnel of HM Forces (including reserves)

Personnel of Commonwealth and Allied Forces during any period they are serving under UK command

entitled membership


Entitled membership is open to:

HM Forces veterans

Service dependants

Ministry of Defence civil servants

Members of the RAF Volunteer Reserves, University Air Squadrons, the Air Training Corps, the Combined Cadet Force and other cadet forces

Employees of civilian contractors working permanently on the Defence Estate

associate membership


Associate membership is open to:

Civilians who have skills and expertise that can help further the clubs aims such as instructors and engineers

yearly Junior Membership

We offer reduced membership rates for those under the age of 26.

full membership

Aged 17-25 £100.32

entitled membership

Under 17s £87.78

Aged 17-25 £125.40

associate membership

Under 17s £100.32

Aged 17-25 £150.48

yearly FAMily membership

full membership


entitled membership


associate membership


temporary Membership

If you visit for a trial flight, you will be required to pay a one-off temporary membership fee. The fee that you pay will depend on the category you would fall into for yearly membership. The fee will be confirmed when you contact us to make a booking.

Full visitor


entitled visitor


associate visitor


Launch fees

The fees that you pay will depend on your membership category.

Full membership

Winch £8.51

Aerotow (1,000ft) £22.00

Aerotow (2,000ft) £28.05

Aerotow (every 500ft) £7.87

SLMG (per hr) £73.50

entitled membership

Winch £9.71

Aerotow (1,000ft) £25.30

Aerotow (2,000ft) £29.15

Aerotow (every 500ft) £8.47

SLMG (per hr) £86.10

associate membership

Winch £10.92

Aerotow (1,000ft) £26.40

Aerotow (2,000ft) £31.46

Aerotow (every 500ft) £9.08

SLMG (per hr) £89.25

Soaring fees

You will be required to pay a hire fee, charged on a per minute basis, when flying our aircraft. The first 10 minutes of each flight are free. No soaring fees are charged where the aircraft is flown by its owner or a syndicate member.

ASK 21 £0.35

ASK 13 £0.25

ASK 18 £0.25

ASTIR CS £0.35

asw 19B £0.35

discus £0.35

discus 2ct £0.55

duo discus xlt £0.55

private gliders £0.55