Accessories for Sale

We have a selection of used instruments and glider accessories for sale. If you are interested in any of the below, please email for further information and to arrange a sale.


  • LX 7000 Basic

    LX 7000 Basic, recently removed from Club Glider. This is an entry level 7000 with no internal GPS or Flarm (but with integrated SD Card) which can be used as a stand alone Vario or connected (via RJ12 connector) to GPS/Flarm source (e,g. Colibri logger advertised separately). Was previously in a Discus, linked to Red Box Flarm effectively giving full 7000 functionality.

    User Manual available on request should you want more detail on what is a slightly unusual version of this instrument

    Offers IRO £250

  • Colibri Logger

    Colibri IGC Level 3 logger with power/data lead and external GPS Antenna. Ideal as a stand alone, back-up logger or can be connected to secondary devices. Device removed from glider some time ago, but powers up and able to connect to it. No documentation

    Offers IRO £120

  • Cambridge GPS Nav

    Cambridge GPS 20, IGC Level 3 Logger. Sold with external GPS Antenna and power/data lead. Ideal as a stand alone, back-up logger or can be connected to secondary devices. Device removed from glider some time ago, but powers up and able to connect to it. No documentation.

    Offers IRO £120.

  • Boom Mic

    Flexible Boom Mic (Dynamic) plus mounting bracket. Recently removed from Club glider in full working order.

    Offers IRO £50 + P&P

  • EW Microrecorder

    EW Microrecorder, with GPS Antenna, power/data lead and mains charging lead. Internal battery makes this ideal for portable use, or can be installed with power source. Remains an approver IGC Logger. Tested and functional with good battery life.

    Offers IRO £120 + P&P

  • Oudie Power Data Cable

    Provides power to Oudie and (optionally) to the device which is connected to the RJ45 connector. It has three connectors: mini USB connector must be connected to Oudie, black and red cable must be connected to 12V power supply. J45 connector with standard IGC pinout.

    This is the 'Y' version of this cable. Never used, and as new.

    New price £56, a bargain at £35 + P&P

Other Equipment

  • LS8 Winglets

    Original LS8 Winglets, in gel and in good condition. Believe these may also fit some LS6 variants.

    Offers IRO £500 + P&P

  • Tow Out Bar

    Heavy duty, foldable tow out bar, with adjustable wheal cup. Previously used for Discus, but would suit most single seat gliders.

    Offers IRO £100. Collection (Halton area) preferred

  • Belly Dolly

    Belly Dolly from a Cobra Trailer. Unsure what aircraft this was used for, but looks 2 seater (K21?). Dimensions available on request.

    Offers IRO £100. Collection (Halton area) preferred

  • Parachute Bag(s)

    We have a selection of Parachute bags from various manufacturers, including Air Pol, Thomas and generic heavy duty canvass.

    £15 each plus P&P

  • Trailer Fittings

    Set of trailer fittings for wings, including spigot holder, spigot clamp and tip supports.

    Offers IRO £120 + P&P

  • Wing Walker

    Wing Walker, in fair condition. Previously used for K21 but would suit most medium/large glass gliders. Needs new inner tube and perhaps replacement padding, but in good structural condition.

    Offers IRO £100. Collection (Halton area) preferred