Monday 29 May 2023

We had a small, but perfectly formed, team, who all had fun today.

In a brisk North Easterly wind, there were some surprisingly strong thermals to be sampled. Liam and Gareth Allenby-Jones progressed well in their training flights and both experienced the pleasure of the North ridge.

Meanwhile, Humza Hamid in his Ventus 2cxT (TC) and Greg Weeks in the Discus 2cT (R6) stretched their legs, exploring further afield with the benefit of their turbos whist Arthur Barfield took the ASK 21 (R28) as the rear guard.

However, the star of the day was Jon Davidson, who managed a magnificent 2 hours 28 minutes in R6 - obviously getting in training for the Inter-Services Regional Competition.

Finally, a big thanks to Graham Quinn and his able assistant, Ellie Willocks, who got the MT prepped.

Overall, 11 launches achieving a total of 7 hours 32 minutes. A nice day out was had by all. Thanks for all your efforts.


Sunday 4 June 2023


Sunday 28 May 2023