Sunday 19 February 2023
What a great day!
We started out with complete confusion by the Duty Full Cat, me (Mick Boydon), who dilly dallied over launch point and runway to use. This created a challenge because Mick was set on 50 launches today.
Fantastic performances by early solo pilots Amy, Dan and Milon - well done all of you on this great progress. Ethan and Arthur consolidated their Bronze C’s with some great flying.
We also saw some great instructional technique from Adrian and Phil.
The hog of the day was our CFI, Martin Langford, with a great flight in really weak ridge and thermal lift for over 4 hours between 600 and 1,700 feet.
We also had good soaring flights by Paul, Humza and Taff.
The absolute star of the day was Laurence, who pushed the whole day along - in the end, he managed to set the 50th launch away with 4 minutes to last landing time.
The highlight of the day was Arthur Barfield who was ably converted to UCL’s ASW 19 (HXU) by Humza.