Saturday 30 September 2023

We started the day with a small, but perfectly formed, which was bolstered by others throughout the day.

Everyone had their flights, with Lewis Williams and James Seanor getting 6 flights each. A huge congratulations to Dave Kearney on his first solo.

Thanks to Jim Randell, who stepped in to assist in the morning, and to all the front team through the day, including Arthur Barfield, who winched until relieved late in the afternoon. All in all an, enjoyable day. Thanks to all the team for making it.

We are also all thrilled at the removal of the Leylandii that were removed from the approach on Runway 20 - a big thanks to the safety team at Halton for getting this done.

Elsewhere, UCL had their annual freshers fair, to which they usually bring a glider to advertise the gliding club. Sarah Willocks and Josh Rees helped tow UCL’s ASW 19B (HXU) to London and back and it appeared to be a successful day.


Sunday 1 October 2023


Sunday 24 September 2023