Sunday 7 May 2023

We had a fantastic day today - all the kit was ready to go by 09:00. You couldn’t see the ridge due to a slight drizzle and a cloud base of 400 feet. We conducted a weather check to confirm cloud base. The weather gradually improved with 6 gliders at the ready and Sarah subsequently managed to conjure 62 flights out of our pockets. We believe this is the highest number since the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Jon Davidson was hog of the day and top flight of the day was Dan Kearney, with 48 minutes in the ASK 18 (R48).

It was a day where everyone worked and helped. Thanks to everyone but especially Sarah as duty pilot, Jan, Ben, Josh and Mark D. Rhys from UCL was also by far the major contributor.


Sunday 14 May 2023


Sunday 30 April 2023