Sunday 3 September 2023

We had a hot, blue day today, with some thermals around. There was a small crew, but we still achieved 30 launches and 12 hours 30 minutes. Humza flew his Ventus 2cxT around 150km.

The achievement of the day was the biggest smile when Mark Durden soloed the Duo Discus (26) - well done, Mark!

Thanks to all who helped run the ground, and particularly to Jan and Adrian for their instructing.

Elsewhere, Mick B, Sarah Willocks and Josh Rees rescued the Discus (506) from its mammoth holiday, where it has been away being refinished. It was quite an eventful road trip, but they are on their way home now and we are looking forward to flying it again.


Saturday 9 September 2023


CGC Task Week 2023 Summary