Sunday 28 July 2024
On the face of it a small (but perfectly formed) group at Halton today.
On a day that lived up to it's excellent forecast, Phil set and completed his first 500km at 85kph in the Discus 2cT (R6), Jon completed a 200km flight in his Libelle (JD) and both Josh and Martin flew cross country in the Discus (506) and his LS6c (335).
Those of us left at Halton managed 30 winch launches and 3 tows for 20 hours, with, unsurprisingly, Phil being the hog of the day on his 500km flight.
Charlotte consolidated her recent solo flying. After a few weeks off, Charles got back into the ASK 18 (R48) and Tony D completed his annual BI check.
Also great to see UCL’s ASW 19B (HXU) out, with Ethan getting back into it after a while.
We ended the day with another 3 winch drivers trained on our new fuelling system by Gareth.
So a productive day from a small group; many thanks to all of those who supported (you know who you are).