Sunday 23 July 2023
As expected, it was a blustery day with a couple of stops due to passing showers. However, we did manage to fly and had an enthusiastic turnout.
The ridge was working weakly, but there were thermals about and, hog of the day was Josh Rees, who managed a 3000 foot climb and 1 hour 2 minutes on the last flight of the day.
Thanks to Brian Gough, Mark Durden successfully passed his annual IFP review and we also managed to de-rig the Astir CS (R77) for the workshop.
Many thanks to the duty crew for making it all happen and, especially Jim Randell, who winched for most of the day.
Everyone got to fly and we managed 30 launches, a total of 5 hours 56 minutes, with an average flight time of 11 minutes. Well done team.