Saturday 29 April 2023
Once again, a great day of flying - lots of people turned up early and last landing was just before 20:00. We achieved 55 launches and 20 hours.
Paul Field was hog of the day, with over 4 hours in his Ventus 2cT (V66) and 130km. Ben Manning also had over 3 hours in his ASW 20 (574).
Humza Hamid, Greg Weeks and Laurence Weeks all flew with Martin Langford for their ongoing instructor training.
Dan Kearney converted to the ASK 18 (R48) and Tony Disbrey onto UCL’s ASW 19B (HXU).
Big thanks to the instructors that gave up their time today and Arthur Barfield for doing a great job keeping us all in line as duty pilot - he is now signed off as a Launch Marshal.