Saturday 25 May 2024
A good flying day - Al (in his ASG 32 Mi, VZ), Humza (in his Ventus 2cxT, TC) and Greg (in the club Discus 2cT, R6) flew a 300km task (Halton West - Devizes - Oxford South - Avebury - Halton) in great conditions. Humza won, with a handicapped speed of 82.1kph, followed by Greg with 79.2 kph and then Al at 72.2kph.
Ben also attempted his 50km cross-country flight in the Astir (R77), but unfortunately landed at Enstone not quite making it round. Thanks to Paul Field and Rob Saddler for aero towing it back home with SF!
Club training continued back at base and everyone had a great day - many thanks to all the helpers as usual (you know who you are).