Saturday 20 January 2024
I'm still thawing out after a cold, blustery day, where we had a small but keen bunch out flying.
We put the ASK 13 (R41) away early on, deciding that the conditions were just too much for it, and so operated with the serviceable ASK 21 (R28) only. There was some great flying from recently solo cadets; all coping well with the conditions, and, after checks, getting a couple of solo trips each.
Everyone else who wanted to fly got at least 4 flights. We were light on experience and I am hugely grateful to Laurence for spending the whole day on the winch, and Greg for running the front end most of the day, as myself and Luke rotated the instructing. We couldn't have done it without them.
18 launches, a recorded 19 min flight using weak wave (I do wonder if the log keeper got this right, but I'll claim it and give Charlotte credit for her handling) and 1,900 ft launch reported.
And 'a few' weak links broken, allowing some repair training.