Saturday 16 December 2023
We had a successful day in the end at Halton.
A small team managed 22 flights and 1 hour 32 minutes total flight time. We started with a cloud base of 600 feet and the best we ever got was nearly 1000 feet.
The hog of the day was Martin Langford in our Discus CS (506) with 15 minutes on a quite soarable ridge, scudding along under a cloud base of 700 to 800 feet.
Most members used the opportunity for high level launch failure practice, followed by right hand circuit practice (which is unusual, as we usually operate dual ops, with powered aircraft separated by a glass wall).
Will Few did the most, with four productive practice winch launch failures at various heights.
Our UCL Gliding Club visitors all managed to get airborne as well.
Finally, well done to Gareth Allenby-Jones for getting signed off as a winch driver and to Dan Kearney as a launch marshal. Thanks team for a safe day of flying.