Aim Higher Soaring and Cross Country Course - Monday 15 May to Friday 19 May 2023

The club arranged for Kevin Atkinson to run his Aim Higher Soaring and Cross Country Course this week and today marked the last day of the course.

Kevin did a great job at explaining a complex subject to the 13 pilots attending (two of which were guests from RAFGSA Kestrel Gliding Club), with 20 hours of ground lectures covering an array of subjects, including the interpretation of weather forecasts, task planning, advanced glider handling techniques and reading the sky.

The team then had three afternoons to put theory into practice, with a few flying with Kevin in his ASH25 - a two-seat glider with a 25m wingspan - or Martyn Pike in the Duo Discus (26).

We achieved 56 hours of flying with 54 launches - 26 of which were aerotow - and around 1,000 km flown.

Thanks to a great team effort to make the operation run smoothly and to Kevin for running the course.


Sunday 21 May 2023


Sunday 14 May 2023